Assignment 5 - Applying the techniques of illustration and Narrative

Boat on the Yangtze River, Nanjing, China

People take a break aboard their fishing boat

This 72 year old fisherman has been catching fish from this stretch of the Yangtze River bank all his life

'Today," he tells me via a passer by, "there are no fish." 

As the 13th largest city in China grows, the life the older generation once knew is rapidly disappearing.

Across China the building site is the most prominent  presence on the cityscape.

Would you?

The promise of a new lifestyle.  Building site advert.

Building the Promise

Open Wound 

Construction Executives

Hung out to dry

Cover page: Old and New Along the Yangtze River, Nanjing, China

Judging Colour Temperature pt 2

Colour Temp Pt 2 - 9 Pics Daylight / Sunlight - Shade - Auto


The Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China

Eviidence of action Pg 155

Part 5 - Narrative and Illustration 5 - 15

Assignment 4 Applying lighting techniques



Shiny Surfces pg141 4